Search Services ver. 1.1.7



Call method


Input parameters

VKORGSales organizationstring ( 4 )YesThe parameter setting is located in the "Service for receiving sales organizations of the client."
Example of filling VKORG=4000
PINItem numberstring ( <40 )YesPIN (search string)
PROGRAMCar|Truck programLP,GP,or empty string ( 2 )NoFilter by program.
LP - LP,

Description of the service response

general description of the answer

service response
ARRAYSearch results tablearray ( - )No-


PINItem numberstring ( <40 )NoPIN (search string)
BRANDBrandstring ( <18 )NoBrand name
NAMENamestring ( 100 )No

Example call

Call emulation


SEARCH Service search

Call method


Input parameters

VKORGSales organizationstring ( 4 )YesThe parameter setting is located in the "Service for receiving sales organizations of the client."
Example of filling VKORG=4000
KUNNR_RGBuyerstring ( 10 )YesAvailable values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB-KUNNR
Example of filling KUNNR_RG=00000000
PINItem numberstring ( <40 )YesPIN (search string)
BRANDBrandstring ( <18 )NoBrand name. We recommend that you always fill out this parameter. If this parameter is not filled in, we recommend the “Search Type” parameter QUERY_TYPE = 1, because if the Brand is empty, the found articles may have different Analogue Codes and the system with search type 2 will provide an answer only for the first article and its Analogue Code and the remaining articles and their Analogs are ignored!
QUERY_TYPESearch type1,2,or empty string ( 1 )NoSearch type.
1 - no analogues (We recommend this value if the BRAND parameter is not filled in (see description above)),
2 - with analogues
PROGRAMCar|Truck programLP,GP,or empty string ( 2 )NoFilter by program.
LP - LP,
KUNNR_ZADelivery address|Pickup pointstring ( 10 )NoThe available values are returned by the "Client Structure Retrieval Service" service.
For delivery - table RG_TAB->ZA_TAB-KUNNR
For pickup - table RG_TAB->EWX_TAB-ID
Filling example KUNNR_ZA=00000000
INCOTERMSPickup sign0,1,or empty string ( 1 )NoPickup sign.
1 - pickup. In the KUNNR_ZA field, you must send values from the RG_TAB->EXW_TAB-ID table.
0 - delivery. In the KUNNR_ZA field you must send values from the table RG_TAB->ZA_TAB-KUNNR
VBELNAgreementstring ( 10 )NoContract number. Available values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB->DOGOVOR_TAB-VBELN
Filling example VBELN=00000000

Description of the service response

general description of the answer

service response
ARRAYSearch results tablearray ( - )No-


PINItem numberstring ( <40 )NoPIN (search string)
BRANDBrandstring ( <18 )NoBrand name
NAMENamestring ( 100 )No
ARTIDUnique identification numberstring ( 20 )No
PARNRPartner warehouse codestring ( 20 )No
KEYZAKWarehouse codestring ( 10 )NoCorresponds to a similar parameter from the response from the "SEARCH search" service. We recommend that you always fill in this parameter, because if you do not specify it, the system searches for balances ONLY in the “Main Warehouse” and if there are no balances there, then the order will not be created.
RVALUEQuantity availablestring ( 20 )No
RETDAYSNumber of days to returnnumber ( 4 )No
RDPRFMultiplicitystring ( 10 )No
MINBMMinimum quantitystring ( 10 )No
VENSLProbability of deliverystring ( 10 )No
PRICEPricestring ( 20 )No
WAERSCurrencystring ( 4 )No
DLVDTDelivery datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
WRNTDTGuaranteed delivery datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example WRNTDT=20181005120000
ANALOGAnalog attributestring ( 1 )No
IMPORTImport string ( 1 )NoImport sign According to Resolution 713, only for the Republic of Belarus
DSPECFeature in regulation 713string ( 1 )No'I' - included in the 713 resolution, 'M' - not included in the resolution Only for RB
RCOSTMaximum retail pricestring ( 20 )NoAccording to Resolution 713, only for the Republic of Belarus
MRKBYMarkupstring ( 5 )NoAccording to Resolution 713, only for the Republic of Belarus
PNOTENotestring ( 100 )NoAccording to Resolution 713, only for the Republic of Belarus

Example call

Call emulation