Reporting services ver. 1.1.7


Report on orders for a time interval getOrderReportByDate

Call method


Input parameters

VKORGSales organizationstring ( 4 )YesThe parameter setting is located in the "Service for receiving sales organizations of the client."
Example of filling VKORG=4000
KUNNR_RGBuyerstring ( 10 )YesAvailable values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB-KUNNR
Example of filling KUNNR_RG=00000000
SCRDATECreation date Fromstring ( 10 )NoCreation date From (if the parameter is not filled in, the current date is set)
Date format YYYYMMDD
Filling example SCRDATE=20170105
ECRDATESoftware creation datestring ( 10 )NoSoftware creation date (if the parameter is not filled in, the current date is set)
Date format YYYYMMDD
Filling example ECRDATE=20170105
SDLDATEDelivery of goods Cstring ( 10 )NoDelivery of goods From
Date format YYYYMMDD
Filling example SDLDATE=20170105
EDLDATEDelivery of software goodsstring ( 10 )NoIf you need to receive only rejected order items, then set this parameter = 1
KURR_LOGINCurrent login0,1,or empty string ( 1 )NoOrders are filtered by current login

Description of the service response

general description of the answer

service response
DATASearch results tablearray ( - )No
INFSummary information on received dataarray ( - )No

Table DATA

ORDEROrder numberstring ( 10 )NoOrder number
ORDER_TYPEOrder typestring ( 100 )NoThe order type depends on the location of shipment (marked in different colors in the ETP), takes the following values:
Shipment from MAIN warehouses
Delivery from NEAR warehouses
Delivery from FAR warehouses
Delivery from central locker
ORDER_DATEOrder datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
ORDER_STATUSOrder statusstring ( 100 )NoOrder status can take the following values (icon next to the number in the ETP):
In progress
ORDER_SUMOrder amountstring ( 20 )NoOrder amount.
Important! Applies ONLY to the Order, if the Order was delivered in parts (see Delivery), then the report will have more than the 1st line with this Order Number and in each line the value “Order Amount” will be the same (same as in the ETP)
CURRENCYCurrencystring ( 4 )No
DELIVERYDeliverystring ( 10 )NoDelivery number.
Important! If the order is delivered in parts, then in this table there will be a separate line for each Delivery, but their “Order Number” will be the same (just like in the ETP)
INVOICEInvoicestring ( 10 )NoInvoice number.
Important! Several deliveries and, accordingly, Orders can be combined into one invoice, so this number can be on different lines with different orders and deliveries (as well as in the ETP).
STATCREDLoan statusstring ( 100 )NoLoan status Can take the following values (same as in ETP):
MIN_SUMMinSum Statusstring ( 100 )NoStatus for the minimum shipment amount (same as in the ETP):
Not blocked
ETDATDeliver item Cstring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
VDATUDeliver goods Bystring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
INCOTERMS_TXTDelivery typestring ( 100 )NoAccepts the following values:
Delivery to the Client
NUMDOGAgreement numberstring ( 100 )NoExternal Contract Number (same as in ETP)
COMMENTOrder commentstring ( 100 )NoComment on the order (same as in the ETP)
COMMENT_EXPComment on the expeditionstring ( 100 )NoCommentary of the expedition (same as in ETP)

Table INF

SUMSumstring ( 10 )NoTotal amount for orders in the selection
CURRENCYCurrencystring ( 4 )No
NUMNumber of ordersstring ( 20 )NoNumber of unique order numbers in the selection (may not be the same as the number of rows in the DATA table)

Example call

Call emulation


Report on orders by position for the time interval getOrderPositionsReportByDate

Call method


Input parameters

VKORGSales organizationstring ( 4 )YesThe parameter setting is located in the "Service for receiving sales organizations of the client."
Example of filling VKORG=4000
KUNNR_RGBuyerstring ( 10 )YesAvailable values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB-KUNNR
Example of filling KUNNR_RG=00000000
SCRDATECreation date Fromstring ( 10 )NoCreation date From (if the parameter is not filled in, the current date is set)
Date format YYYYMMDD
Filling example SCRDATE=20170105
ECRDATESoftware creation datestring ( 10 )NoSoftware creation date (if the parameter is not filled in, the current date is set)
Date format YYYYMMDD
Filling example ECRDATE=20170105
SDLDATEDelivery of goods Cstring ( 10 )NoDelivery of goods From
Date format YYYYMMDD
Filling example SDLDATE=20170105
EDLDATEDelivery of software goodsstring ( 10 )NoIf you need to receive only rejected order items, then set this parameter = 1
KURR_LOGINCurrent login0,1,or empty string ( 1 )NoOrders are filtered by current login

Description of the service response

general description of the answer

service response
DATASearch results tablearray ( - )No
INFSummary information on received dataarray ( - )No

Table DATA

POSNRItem number in the orderstring ( 10 )No
BRANDBrandstring ( <18 )NoBrand name
PINItem numberstring ( <40 )NoPIN (search string)
NAMENamestring ( 100 )NoItem name
ORDEROrder numberstring ( 10 )NoOrder number
ORDER_TYPEOrder typestring ( 100 )NoThe order type depends on the location of shipment (marked in different colors in the ETP), takes the following values:
Shipment from MAIN warehouses
Delivery from NEAR warehouses
Delivery from FAR warehouses
Delivery from central locker
ORDER_DATEOrder datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
ORDER_STATUSOrder statusstring ( 100 )NoOrder status can take the following values (icon next to the number in the ETP):
In progress
ETDATDeliver item Cstring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
VDATUDeliver goods Bystring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
KWMENGQuantity in orderstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "On order"
KWMENG_REQQuantity to be purchasedstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "To be purchased"
only for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from central lock"
for others = "-"
KWMENG_PROCExpected quantitystring ( 20 )NoQuantity "Expected"
only for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from central lock"
for others = "-"
KWMENG_LQuantity postedstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "Capitalized" to the purchasing warehouse
only for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from central warehouse"
for others = "-"
KWMENG_REJ_PQuantity rejected by supplierstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "Rejected by supplier"
only for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from central lock"
for others = "-"
KWMENG_WAYINQuantity in transitstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "On the way"
only for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from central locker"
for others = "-"
KWMENG_PFor deliverystring ( 20 )NoQuantity "To be delivered" if <> 0 then displays the quantity ready for shipment to the Client
KWMENG_RQuantity Shippedstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "Shipped" quantity ALREADY shipped to the Client
KWMENG_REJRejected quantitystring ( 20 )NoRejected quantity that was rejected
PRICEUnit pricestring ( 20 )NoPrice per unit Item
CURRENCYCurrencystring ( 4 )No
STATUSPosition statusstring ( 100 )NoAccepts the following values:
- empty value
- position fully delivered
- position partially delivered
- position partially rejected
- position completely rejected
STATCREDCredit blockedstring ( 50 )NoLoan status Can take the following values (same as in ETP):
Not blocked
NOTENotestring ( 100 )NoPosition note
DLVRDExpected datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
WRNTDGuaranteed datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
ABGRU_TXTReason for rejectionstring ( 100 )NoIf a position is rejected, the text Rejection Reasons is displayed
POSEXLink to "Parent Position"string ( 6 )NoThe number of the parent position from which the reorder was made, or the item was transferred to substandard. Positions are numbered sequentially for several reorders, forming a chain of reorders
POSROOTLink "To root position"string ( 6 )NoRoot position number. This number is referenced by all created dependent items
CHARGSign of substandardstring ( 10 )NoIf NOT empty, then this position contains a substandard product. You can see a photo of it in the ETP
CHARG_BLKSign of blocking substandard conditions for shipmentbool ( 1 )NoIf = True, then this item of substandard goods is blocked for shipment and a decision must be made on whether to ship it or not. You can unblock it in the ETP when editing the order or you need to contact the manager

Table INF

SUMSumstring ( 10 )NoTotal amount for orders in the selection
CURRENCYCurrencystring ( 4 )No
NUMNumber of ordersstring ( 20 )NoNumber of unique order numbers in the selection (may not be the same as the number of rows in the DATA table)

Example call

Call emulation


Report on orders by position for the time interval (ver. 2) getOrderPositionsReportByDate2

Call method


Input parameters

VKORGSales organizationstring ( 4 )YesThe parameter setting is located in the "Service for receiving sales organizations of the client."
Example of filling VKORG=4000
KUNNR_RGBuyerstring ( 10 )YesAvailable values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB-KUNNR
Example of filling KUNNR_RG=00000000
SCRDATECreation date Fromstring ( 10 )NoCreation date From (if the parameter is not filled in, the current date is set)
Date format YYYYMMDD
Filling example SCRDATE=20170105
ECRDATESoftware creation datestring ( 10 )NoSoftware creation date (if the parameter is not filled in, the current date is set)
Date format YYYYMMDD
Filling example ECRDATE=20170105
SDLDATEDelivery of goods Cstring ( 10 )NoDelivery of goods From
Date format YYYYMMDD
Filling example SDLDATE=20170105
EDLDATEDelivery of software goodsstring ( 10 )NoIf you need to receive only rejected order items, then set this parameter = 1
RejectedRejected items only0,1,or empty string ( 1 )No0,1,or empty string
KURR_LOGINCurrent login0,1,or empty string ( 1 )NoOrders are filtered by current login

Description of the service response

general description of the answer

service response
DATASearch results tablearray ( - )No
INFSummary information on received dataarray ( - )No

Table DATA

POSNRItem number in the orderstring ( 10 )No
BRANDBrandstring ( <18 )NoBrand name
PINItem numberstring ( <40 )NoPIN (search string)
NAMENamestring ( 100 )NoItem name
ORDEROrder numberstring ( 10 )NoOrder number
ORDER_TYPEOrder typestring ( 100 )NoThe order type depends on the location of shipment (marked in different colors in the ETP), takes the following values:
Shipment from MAIN warehouses
Delivery from NEAR warehouses
Delivery from FAR warehouses
Delivery from central locker
ORDER_DATEOrder datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
ORDER_STATUSOrder statusstring ( 100 )NoOrder status can take the following values (icon next to the number in the ETP):
In progress
ETDATDeliver item Cstring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
VDATUDeliver goods Bystring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
KWMENGQuantity in orderstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "On order"
KWMENG_REQQuantity to be purchasedstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "To be purchased"
only for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from central lock"
for others = "-"
KWMENG_PROCExpected quantitystring ( 20 )NoQuantity "Expected"
only for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from central lock"
for others = "-"
KWMENG_LQuantity postedstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "Capitalized" to the purchasing warehouse
only for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from central warehouse"
for others = "-"
KWMENG_REJ_PQuantity rejected by supplierstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "Rejected by supplier"
only for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from central lock"
for others = "-"
KWMENG_WAYINQuantity in transitstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "On the way"
only for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from central locker"
for others = "-"
KWMENG_PFor deliverystring ( 20 )NoQuantity "To be delivered" if <> 0 then displays the quantity ready for shipment to the Client
KWMENG_RQuantity Shippedstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "Shipped" quantity ALREADY shipped to the Client
KWMENG_REJRejected quantitystring ( 20 )NoRejected quantity that was rejected
PRICEUnit pricestring ( 20 )NoPrice per unit Item
CURRENCYCurrencystring ( 4 )No
STATUSPosition statusstring ( 100 )NoAccepts the following values:
- empty value
- position fully delivered
- position partially delivered
- position partially rejected
- position completely rejected
STATCREDCredit blockedstring ( 50 )NoLoan status Can take the following values (same as in ETP):
Not blocked
NOTENotestring ( 100 )NoPosition note
DLVRDExpected datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
WRNTDGuaranteed datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
ABGRU_TXTReason for rejectionstring ( 100 )NoIf a position is rejected, the text Rejection Reasons is displayed
POSEXLink to "Parent Position"string ( 6 )NoThe number of the parent position from which the reorder was made, or the item was transferred to substandard. Positions are numbered sequentially for several reorders, forming a chain of reorders
POSROOTLink "To root position"string ( 6 )NoRoot position number. This number is referenced by all created dependent items
CHARGSign of substandardstring ( 10 )NoIf NOT empty, then this position contains a substandard product. You can see a photo of it in the ETP
CHARG_BLKSign of blocking substandard conditions for shipmentbool ( 1 )NoIf = True, then this item of substandard goods is blocked for shipment and a decision must be made on whether to ship it or not. You can unblock it in the ETP when editing the order or you need to contact the manager
ZZKWMENGOrderedstring ( 20 )NoOriginally ordered quantity
REJECTEDRejectedstring ( 20 )NoRejected quantity that was rejected
PROCESSINGIn progressstring ( 20 )NoThe quantity of inventory in warehouses, and for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from the central locker" additional quantity purchased from the supplier
READYReady to shipstring ( 20 )NoQuantity ready for shipment. Includes the quantity in the shipping warehouse and the quantity already picked (in deliveries)
REJ_MENGEClient failurestring ( 20 )NoQuantity that the Customer refused upon delivery
ReadyToIssueReady to issuestring ( 20 )No
IssuedIssuedstring ( 20 )No

Table INF

SUMSumstring ( 10 )NoTotal amount for orders in the selection
CURRENCYCurrencystring ( 4 )No
NUMNumber of ordersstring ( 20 )NoNumber of unique order numbers in the selection (may not be the same as the number of rows in the DATA table)

Example call

Call emulation