Services for working with orders ver. 1.1.7


Creating an order createOrder

Call method


Input parameters

VKORGSales organizationstring ( 4 )YesThe parameter setting is located in the "Service for receiving sales organizations of the client."
Example of filling VKORG=4000
KUNRGBuyerstring ( 10 )YesThe available values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB-KUNNR
Filling example KUNRG=00000000
KUNWEConsigneestring ( 10 )NoThe available values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB->WE_TAB-KUNNR
Example of filling KUNWE=00000000
KUNZADelivery address|Pickup pointstring ( 10 )NoThe available values are returned by the "Client Structure Retrieval Service" service.
For delivery - table RG_TAB->ZA_TAB-KUNNR
For pickup - table RG_TAB->EWX_TAB-ID
Filling example KUNZA=00000000
INCOTERMSPickup sign0,1,or empty string ( 1 )NoPickup sign.
1 - pickup. In the KUNNR_ZA field, you must send values from the RG_TAB->EXW_TAB-ID table.
0 - delivery. In the KUNNR_ZA field you must send values from the table RG_TAB->ZA_TAB-KUNNR
PARNRContact personstring ( 10 )NoThe available values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB->CONTACT_TAB-PARNR
Example of filling PARNR=00000000
VBELNAgreementstring ( 10 )NoContract number. Available values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB->DOGOVOR_TAB-VBELN
Filling example VBELN=00000000
TEXT_ORDOrder commentstring ( 100 )No
TEXT_EXPComment on the expeditionstring ( 100 )No
DBTYPSearch type1,2,3,or empty string ( 1 )No1 - Check balances ONLY in the main warehouse.
2 - Check balances in ALL available warehouses
3 - Check balances at ALL available warehouses + partner warehouses
ITEMSItem tabletable ( - )Yes


PINItem numberstring ( <40 )YesPIN (search string)
BRANDBrandstring ( <18 )YesBrand name
KWMENGQuantitynumber ( 10 )Yes
KEYZAKWarehouse codestring ( 10 )NoCorresponds to a similar parameter from the response from the "SEARCH search" service. We recommend that you always fill in this parameter, because if you do not specify it, the system searches for balances ONLY in the “Main Warehouse” and if there are no balances there, then the order will not be created.
PRICEMAXMaximum pricestring ( 10 )No
DATEMAXMaximum delivery datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DATEMAX=20151005120000
COMMENTCommentstring ( 100 )No
COMPL_DLVComplete delivery0,1,or empty string ( 1 )No1 - yes.
0 - no.

Description of the service response

general description of the answer

service response
ITEMSResult tablearray ( - )No


PINItem numberstring ( <40 )NoPIN (search string)
BRANDBrandstring ( <18 )NoBrand name
KEYZAKWarehouse codestring ( 10 )NoCorresponds to a similar parameter from the response from the "SEARCH search" service. We recommend that you always fill in this parameter, because if you do not specify it, the system searches for balances ONLY in the “Main Warehouse” and if there are no balances there, then the order will not be created.
KWMENGQuantitynumber ( 10 )No
PRICEMAXMaximum pricestring ( 10 )No
DATEMAXMaximum delivery datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DATEMAX=20151005120000
COMMENTCommentstring ( 100 )No
COMPL_DLVComplete delivery0,1,or empty string ( 1 )No1 - yes.
0 - no.
ARTIDUnique identification numberstring ( 20 )No
RESULTResult table. Detailed information on position distributionarray ( - )No
REMAINNumber of unordered itemsnumber ( 10 )No0 - item ordered completely
ERROROrder errorstring ( 10 )No
ERROR_MESSAGEError textstring ( 100 )No


POSIDPosition number when distributing the total quantity of the articlestring ( 10 )No
POSNRItem number in the created orderstring ( 10 )No
KEYZAKWarehouse codestring ( 10 )NoCorresponds to a similar parameter from the response from the "SEARCH search" service. We recommend that you always fill in this parameter, because if you do not specify it, the system searches for balances ONLY in the “Main Warehouse” and if there are no balances there, then the order will not be created.
NUM_ZAKIndicator of combining items into an orderstring ( 10 )No
KWMENGQuantitynumber ( 10 )No
PRICEPricestring ( 10 )No
WAERSCurrencystring ( 4 )No
DLVDTDelivery datestring ( 20 )No
VBELNCreated order numberstring ( 10 )NoOrder number
BLOCKOrder blockingstring ( 1 )NoA - Not blocked
B - Blocked
C - Closed
< b>D - Released manually
ERROROrder errorstring ( 10 )No

Example call

Call emulation


Creating a test order createTestOrder

Call method


Input parameters

VKORGSales organizationstring ( 4 )YesThe parameter setting is located in the "Service for receiving sales organizations of the client."
Example of filling VKORG=4000
KUNRGBuyerstring ( 10 )YesThe available values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB-KUNNR
Filling example KUNRG=00000000
KUNWEConsigneestring ( 10 )NoThe available values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB->WE_TAB-KUNNR
Example of filling KUNWE=00000000
KUNZADelivery address|Pickup pointstring ( 10 )NoThe available values are returned by the "Client Structure Retrieval Service" service.
For delivery - table RG_TAB->ZA_TAB-KUNNR
For pickup - table RG_TAB->EWX_TAB-ID
Filling example KUNZA=00000000
INCOTERMSPickup sign0,1,or empty string ( 1 )NoPickup sign.
1 - pickup. In the KUNNR_ZA field, you must send values from the RG_TAB->EXW_TAB-ID table.
0 - delivery. In the KUNNR_ZA field you must send values from the table RG_TAB->ZA_TAB-KUNNR
PARNRContact personstring ( 10 )NoThe available values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB->CONTACT_TAB-PARNR
Example of filling PARNR=00000000
VBELNAgreementstring ( 10 )NoContract number. Available values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB->DOGOVOR_TAB-VBELN
Filling example VBELN=00000000
TEXT_ORDOrder commentstring ( 100 )No
TEXT_EXPComment on the expeditionstring ( 100 )No
DBTYPSearch type1,2,3,or empty string ( 1 )No1 - Check balances ONLY in the main warehouse.
2 - Check balances in ALL available warehouses
3 - Check balances at ALL available warehouses + partner warehouses
ITEMSItem tabletable ( - )Yes


PINItem numberstring ( <40 )YesPIN (search string)
BRANDBrandstring ( <18 )YesBrand name
KWMENGQuantitynumber ( 10 )Yes
KEYZAKWarehouse codestring ( 10 )NoCorresponds to a similar parameter from the response from the "SEARCH search" service. We recommend that you always fill in this parameter, because if you do not specify it, the system searches for balances ONLY in the “Main Warehouse” and if there are no balances there, then the order will not be created.
PRICEMAXMaximum pricestring ( 10 )No
DATEMAXMaximum delivery datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DATEMAX=20151005120000
COMMENTCommentstring ( 100 )No
COMPL_DLVComplete delivery0,1,or empty string ( 1 )No1 - yes.
0 - no.

Description of the service response

general description of the answer

service response
ITEMSResult tablearray ( - )No


PINItem numberstring ( <40 )NoPIN (search string)
BRANDBrandstring ( <18 )NoBrand name
KEYZAKWarehouse codestring ( 10 )NoCorresponds to a similar parameter from the response from the "SEARCH search" service. We recommend that you always fill in this parameter, because if you do not specify it, the system searches for balances ONLY in the “Main Warehouse” and if there are no balances there, then the order will not be created.
KWMENGQuantitynumber ( 10 )No
PRICEMAXMaximum pricestring ( 10 )No
DATEMAXMaximum delivery datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DATEMAX=20151005120000
COMMENTCommentstring ( 100 )No
COMPL_DLVComplete delivery0,1,or empty string ( 1 )No1 - yes.
0 - no.
ARTIDUnique identification numberstring ( 20 )No
RESULTResult table. Detailed information on position distributionarray ( - )No
REMAINNumber of unordered itemsnumber ( 10 )No0 - item ordered completely
ERROROrder errorstring ( 10 )No
ERROR_MESSAGEError textstring ( 100 )No


POSIDPosition number when distributing the total quantity of the articlestring ( 10 )No
KEYZAKWarehouse codestring ( 10 )NoCorresponds to a similar parameter from the response from the "SEARCH search" service. We recommend that you always fill in this parameter, because if you do not specify it, the system searches for balances ONLY in the “Main Warehouse” and if there are no balances there, then the order will not be created.
NUM_ZAKIndicator of combining items into an orderstring ( 10 )No
KWMENGQuantitynumber ( 10 )No
PRICEPricestring ( 10 )No
WAERSCurrencystring ( 4 )No
DLVDTDelivery datestring ( 20 )No
VBELNCreated order numberstring ( 10 )NoOrder number
BLOCKCreated order numberstring ( 10 )NoA - Not blocked
B - Blocked
C - Closed
< b>D - Released manually
ERROROrder errorstring ( 10 )No

Example call

Call emulation


Detailed information by order number getOrder

Call method


Input parameters

VKORGSales organizationstring ( 4 )YesThe parameter setting is located in the "Service for receiving sales organizations of the client."
Example of filling VKORG=4000
KUNRGBuyerstring ( 10 )YesThe available values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB-KUNNR
Filling example KUNRG=00000000
ORDEROrder numberstring ( 10 )YesNumber of the created order created by customer KUNRG.
EDITFor editing0,1,or empty string ( 1 )NoFor editing

Description of the service response

general description of the answer

service response
HEADEROrder informationarray ( - )No
ITEMSItem tablearray ( - )No
ABGRU_ITEMSDefault rejection reasonarray ( 1 )NoDefault rejection reason


ORDEROrder numberstring ( 10 )NoNumber of the created order created by customer KUNRG.
ORDER_TYPEOrder typestring ( 100 )NoThe order type depends on the location of shipment (marked in different colors in the ETP), takes the following values:
Shipment from MAIN warehouses
Delivery from NEAR warehouses
Delivery from FAR warehouses
Delivery from central locker
ORDER_STATUSOrder statusstring ( 100 )NoOrder status can take the following values (icon next to the number in the ETP):
In progress
ORDER_DATEOrder datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
ORDER_SUMOrder amountstring ( 20 )NoOrder amount.
Important! Applies ONLY to the Order, if the Order was delivered in parts (see Delivery), then the report will have more than the 1st line with this Order Number and in each line the value “Order Amount” will be the same (same as in the ETP)
CURRENCYCurrencystring ( 4 )No
KUNRGBuyerstring ( 10 )NoAvailable values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB-KUNNR
Example of filling KUNNR_RG=00000000
NAMERGBuyer namestring ( 100 )No
KUNWEConsigneestring ( 10 )No
NAMEWEName of consigneestring ( 100 )No
KUNZADelivery address|Pickup pointstring ( 10 )NoThe available values are returned by the "Client Structure Retrieval Service" service.
For delivery - table RG_TAB->ZA_TAB-KUNNR
For pickup - table RG_TAB->EWX_TAB-ID
Filling example KUNNR_ZA=00000000
NAMEZADelivery address|Pickup pointstring ( 10 )NoThe available values are returned by the "Client Structure Retrieval Service" service.
For delivery - table RG_TAB->ZA_TAB-KUNNR
For pickup - table RG_TAB->EWX_TAB-ID
Filling example KUNNR_ZA=00000000
ADDRZADelivery addressstring ( 100 )No
PARNRAPOrder Creator Codestring ( 10 )No
NAMEAPOrder Creator Namestring ( 100 )No
PARNRZPContact personstring ( 10 )NoThe available values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB->CONTACT_TAB-PARNR
Example of filling PARNR=00000000
NAMEZPName of Contact Personstring ( 100 )No
ETDATDeliver item Cstring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
VDATUDeliver goods Bystring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
DOC_NUMOrder number in the Clients accounting systemstring ( 20 )No
DOC_DATEOrder date in the Clients accounting systemstring ( 14 )No
NUMDOGAgreement numberstring ( 100 )No
COMPL_DLVComplete delivery0,1,or empty string ( 1 )No1 - yes.
0 - no.
COMMENTOrder commentstring ( 100 )No
COMMENT_EXPComment on the expeditionstring ( 100 )No
INCOTERMS_TXTDelivery typestring ( 100 )NoAccepts the following values:
Delivery to the Client
VSTELTName of Pickup Pointstring ( 100 )No


POSNRItem number in the orderstring ( 10 )No
BRANDBrandstring ( <18 )NoBrand name
PINItem numberstring ( <40 )NoPIN (search string)
NAMENamestring ( 100 )NoItem name
KWMENGQuantity in orderstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "On order"
KWMENG_REQQuantity to be purchasedstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "To be purchased"
only for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from central lock"
for others = "-"
KWMENG_PROCExpected quantitystring ( 20 )NoQuantity "Expected"
only for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from central lock"
for others = "-"
KWMENG_LQuantity postedstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "Capitalized" to the purchasing warehouse
only for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from central warehouse"
for others = "-"
KWMENG_REJ_PQuantity rejected by supplierstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "Rejected by supplier"
only for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from central lock"
for others = "-"
KWMENG_WAYINQuantity in transitstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "On the way"
only for orders ORDER_TYPE = "Delivery from central locker"
for others = "-"
KWMENG_PFor deliverystring ( 20 )NoQuantity "To be delivered" if <> 0 then displays the quantity ready for shipment to the Client
KWMENG_RQuantity Shippedstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "Shipped" quantity ALREADY shipped to the Client
KWMENG_REJRejected quantitystring ( 20 )NoRejected quantity that was rejected
PRICEUnit pricestring ( 20 )NoPrice per unit Item
SUMMASumstring ( 10 )No
CURRENCYCurrencystring ( 4 )No
STATUSPosition statusstring ( 100 )NoAccepts the following values:
- empty value
- position fully delivered
- position partially delivered
- position partially rejected
- position completely rejected
NOTENotestring ( 100 )NoPosition note
DLVRDExpected datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
WRNTDGuaranteed datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
ABGRU_TXTReason for rejectionstring ( 100 )NoIf a position is rejected, the text Rejection Reasons is displayed
MATNRMaterialstring ( 18 )No
COMPL_DLVComplete delivery0,1,or empty string ( 1 )No1 - yes.
0 - no.
POSEXLink to "Parent Position"string ( 6 )NoThe number of the parent position from which the reorder was made, or the item was transferred to substandard. Positions are numbered sequentially for several reorders, forming a chain of reorders
POSROOTLink "To root position"string ( 6 )NoRoot position number. This number is referenced by all created dependent items
CHARGSign of substandardstring ( 10 )NoIf NOT empty, then this position contains a substandard product. You can see a photo of it in the ETP
CHARG_BLKSign of blocking substandard conditions for shipmentbool ( 1 )NoIf = True, then this item of substandard goods is blocked for shipment and a decision must be made on whether to ship it or not. You can unblock it in the ETP when editing the order or you need to contact the manager


ABGRURejection reason codestring ( 3 )NoRejection reason code
BEZEIDescription of the reason for rejectionstring ( 40 )NoDescription of the reason for rejection
DEFAULTDefault rejection reasonstring ( 1 )NoDefault rejection reason

Example call

Call emulation


Detailed information by order number (ver. 2) getOrder2



Описание данного сервиса достаточно объемное, поэтому оформлено в виде отдельной страницы:

Описание WS Cтатус строк заказа подробно V2

Call method


Input parameters

VKORGSales organizationstring ( 4 )YesThe parameter setting is located in the "Service for receiving sales organizations of the client."
Example of filling VKORG=4000
KUNRGBuyerstring ( 10 )YesThe available values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB-KUNNR
Filling example KUNRG=00000000
ORDEROrder numberstring ( 10 )YesNumber of the created order created by customer KUNRG.
STATUSDeciphering statuses0,1,or empty string ( 1 )NoIf the STATUS field = 1, then a full description of the position status will be added to the service result
EDITFor editing0,1,or empty string ( 1 )NoFor editing

Description of the service response

general description of the answer

service response
The list is empty

Example call

Call emulation


Return number details getRefund

Call method


Input parameters

VKORGSales organizationstring ( 4 )YesThe parameter setting is located in the "Service for receiving sales organizations of the client."
Example of filling VKORG=4000
KUNRGBuyerstring ( 10 )YesThe available values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB-KUNNR
Filling example KUNRG=00000000
RETURNReturn numberstring ( 10 )YesReturn number created by customer KUNRG.

Description of the service response

general description of the answer

service response
HEADERReturn Informationarray ( - )No
ITEMSItem tablearray ( - )No


ORDEROrder numberstring ( 10 )NoNumber of the created order created by customer KUNRG.
ORDER_TYPEOrder typestring ( 100 )NoThe order type depends on the location of shipment (marked in different colors in the ETP), takes the following values:
Shipment from MAIN warehouses
Delivery from NEAR warehouses
Delivery from FAR warehouses
Delivery from central locker
ORDER_STATUSOrder statusstring ( 100 )NoOrder status can take the following values (icon next to the number in the ETP):
In progress
ORDER_DATEOrder datestring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
ORDER_SUMOrder amountstring ( 20 )NoOrder amount.
Important! Applies ONLY to the Order, if the Order was delivered in parts (see Delivery), then the report will have more than the 1st line with this Order Number and in each line the value “Order Amount” will be the same (same as in the ETP)
CURRENCYCurrencystring ( 4 )No
KUNRGBuyerstring ( 10 )NoAvailable values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB-KUNNR
Example of filling KUNNR_RG=00000000
NAMERGBuyer namestring ( 100 )No
KUNWEConsigneestring ( 10 )No
NAMEWEName of consigneestring ( 100 )No
KUNZADelivery address|Pickup pointstring ( 10 )NoThe available values are returned by the "Client Structure Retrieval Service" service.
For delivery - table RG_TAB->ZA_TAB-KUNNR
For pickup - table RG_TAB->EWX_TAB-ID
Filling example KUNNR_ZA=00000000
NAMEZADelivery address|Pickup pointstring ( 10 )NoThe available values are returned by the "Client Structure Retrieval Service" service.
For delivery - table RG_TAB->ZA_TAB-KUNNR
For pickup - table RG_TAB->EWX_TAB-ID
Filling example KUNNR_ZA=00000000
ADDRZADelivery addressstring ( 100 )No
PARNRAPOrder Creator Codestring ( 10 )No
NAMEAPOrder Creator Namestring ( 100 )No
PARNRZPContact personstring ( 10 )NoThe available values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB->CONTACT_TAB-PARNR
Example of filling PARNR=00000000
NAMEZPName of Contact Personstring ( 100 )No
ETDATDeliver item Cstring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
VDATUDeliver goods Bystring ( 20 )NoDate format YYYYMMDDHHIISS
Filling example DLVDT=20181005120000
DOC_NUMOrder number in the Clients accounting systemstring ( 20 )No
DOC_DATEOrder date in the Clients accounting systemstring ( 14 )No
NUMDOGAgreement numberstring ( 100 )No
COMPL_DLVComplete delivery0,1,or empty string ( 1 )No1 - yes.
0 - no.
COMMENTOrder commentstring ( 100 )No
COMMENT_EXPComment on the expeditionstring ( 100 )No
INCOTERMS_TXTDelivery typestring ( 100 )NoAccepts the following values:
Delivery to the Client
VSTELTName of Pickup Pointstring ( 100 )No


POSNRItem number in the orderstring ( 10 )No
BRANDBrandstring ( <18 )NoBrand name
PINItem numberstring ( <40 )NoPIN (search string)
NAMENamestring ( 100 )NoItem name
KWMENGQuantity in orderstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "On order"
KWMENG_PFor deliverystring ( 20 )NoQuantity "To be delivered" if <> 0 then displays the quantity ready for shipment to the Client
KWMENG_RQuantity Shippedstring ( 20 )NoQuantity "Shipped" quantity ALREADY shipped to the Client
KWMENG_REJRejected quantitystring ( 20 )NoRejected quantity that was rejected
PRICEUnit pricestring ( 20 )NoPrice per unit Item
SUMMASumstring ( 10 )No
CURRENCYCurrencystring ( 4 )No
STATUSPosition statusstring ( 100 )NoAccepts the following values:
- empty value
- position fully delivered
- position partially delivered
- position partially rejected
- position completely rejected
NOTENotestring ( 100 )NoPosition note
ABGRU_TXTReason for rejectionstring ( 100 )NoIf a position is rejected, the text Rejection Reasons is displayed
MATNRMaterialstring ( 18 )No

Example call

Call emulation


Editing an order editOrder

Call method


Input parameters

VKORGSales organizationstring ( 4 )YesThe parameter setting is located in the "Service for receiving sales organizations of the client."
Example of filling VKORG=4000
KUNRGBuyerstring ( 10 )YesThe available values are returned to the "Client Structure Retrieval Service". Table RG_TAB-KUNNR
Filling example KUNRG=00000000
ORDEROrder numberstring ( 10 )YesNumber of the created order created by customer KUNRG.
POSITION_INPUTPosition tabletable ( - )Yes


POSNRItem number in the orderstring ( 10 )Yes
KWMENGQuantitynumber ( 10 )Yes
ABGRURejection Reason Codestring ( 3 )YesValue from table ABGRU_ITEMS of service Detailed information by order number (getOrder)
NOTECommentstring ( )NoComment

Description of the service response

general description of the answer

service response
The list is empty

Example call

Call emulation