Web services ver. 1.1.7

Attention! Added fields to be filled in when reordering order items and reflecting the relationships of the reordered items: POSEX (Link to &"Parent item&"), POSROOT (Link to &"Root item&"), CHARG (Sign of non-standard), CHARG_BLK (Sign of blocking of non-standard goods for shipment) in response to services Information by order number, Report on orders by items for a time interval.

REST ( Representational state transfer is a style of software architecture for distributed systems such as the World Wide Web, typically used to build web services. The term REST was introduced in 2000 by Roy Fielding, one of the authors of HTTP- protocol. Systems that support REST are called RESTful systems.

In general, REST is a very simple interface for managing information without using any additional internal layers. Each unit of information is uniquely identified by a global identifier , such as URL. Each URL in turn has a strictly defined format. 

Authentication method: Basic Authentication

Basic Authentication — the client specifies his login and password to gain access to REST service. Login and password are transmitted over the network as plain text encoded with simple Base64 and can be easily decoded by any user.

List of service groups